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Accute Optical Technology Co.,Ltd,offer IR pass filter,bandpass filters

What is an OLPF Filter

Date: 2019-10-10  Categories: Optical basic  Tag:  View:1,887 views

In high-quality digital maging systems, optical low-pass filters (OLPF) are used to eliminate color Moire fringes. An OLPF cuts off the lens MTF above the sampling frequency of the imager resulting an overall MTF curve that approximates a step function in spatial domain. IR cut-off function is often incorporated into OLPF as well. For a day night OPLF filter,it allows both visible and infrared LED light to pass through.

OLPF filterConfiguration of an OLPF

This allows the camera to see a color image during day light and a monochrome image at night time with infrared LED illumination.Due to different CCD or CMOS sensors,and different directions of moire fringes,we design OLPF filters with different angles,qty and thickness to eliminate noise and moire fringes.

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