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Accute Optical Technology Co.,Ltd,offer IR pass filter,bandpass filters

What is a ANPR filter?

Date: 2020-09-14  Categories: Optical basic  Tag: ,  View:2,617 views

An ANPR filter is used on ANPR cameras. ANPR is Automatic Number Plate Recognition.
A LPR filter is used on LPR camera. LPR is License Plate Recognition.
Recognizing a vehicle number plate is a too difficult job for a standard CCTV camera. The main problem is the exposure caused by headlight at night, but even during the day the light reflection on the number plate can make the number recognition virtually impossible.Accute Optical’s part BPF-850BC is a 850nm IR bandpass filter,which is specially designed for ANPR or LPR cameras. It can remove strong light or glare form the headlight and get clear grey images.

LPR filter,ANPR filter,BPF-850BC

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