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Accute Optical Technology Co.,Ltd,offer IR pass filter,bandpass filters

IR LEDs with their optical filter

Date: 2022-11-23  Categories: Optical basic  Tag: ,  View:1,404 views

Wavelength of IR LED includes 830nm~1600nm. 808nm,850nm,905nm,940nm is normally used.850nm and 940nm is often used on CCTV cameras, ANPR or LPR camera.

 IR 850nm,940n spectrogram

There is some transmission of 700-780nm of 850nm IR LED from the above spectrogram. So we see some red light from 850nm IR Led.To avoid red light,we can choose IR pass glass or IR plastic filter to shield.The below parts are some optical filter from Accute Optical for 808nm,850nm,940nm IR LED.Please check if there are any part which matches your requirements.

wavelength Application Accute Optical’s optical filters
808nm Medical and beauty equipment,photo-communication,Pump source of solid state laser NBF-808
850nm CCTV camera, ANPR or LPR camera GDN-850A1,BPF-850,BPF-850BC,IPG-780,IPM-700
905nm laser speedmeter BPF-905W40B
940nm IR remote controll,ANPR or LPR camera GDN-940,BPF-940,BPF-940BC,IPG-850,IPM-780

Radiation intensity of 850nm LED is 2-3 times intenser than 940nm LED.So 850nm LED is more widely used on ANPR or LPR camers.

NBF-808 is a narrow bandpass filter in sliver color which matches for 808nm LED.

GDN-850A1 is a day& night 850nm filter.You can get color images in the days and grey type images in nights.This filter is with transmission Tavg>95%@420-620nm and Tavg>90%@850nm because it’s coating with AR which decrease reflected light. It’s a better choice comparing with GDN-850 without AR coating.

BPF-850 is a 850nm bandpass filter.You can choose it if you don’t need good blocking for visible light.

BPF-850BC is a 850nm combined filter with a bandpass filter and an IR pass glass filter.It’s a 2-layer filter.It has
Good performance in blocking visible light.It’s better choice for ANPR or LPR camera.

IPG-780 suits for 850nm LED.It’s a black glass without coating.Blocking for visible light is OD2.

IPM-700 suits for 850nm LED.It’s a PMMA filter.You can see some red cloud from it if you close it to one eye. It’s a low cost choice for robots windlow,IR window.

BPF-905W40B suits for 905nm IR Led.It’s a 1-layer coating filter.The blocking for visible light is OD3.

GDN-940,is a day and night 940nm coating filter. You can choose it if you don’t need good blocking for visible light.

BPF-940 is a common 940nm bandpass filter. You can choose it if you don’t need good blocking for visible light.

BPF-940BC is a 940nm combined filter with a bandpass filter and an IR pass glass filter.It’s a 2-layer filter.It has
Good performance in blocking visible light.It’s better choice for ANPR or LPR camera.

IPG-850 suits for 940nm LED.It’s a black glass without coating.Blocking for visible light is OD2.

IPM-780 suits for 850nm and 940nm LED.It’s a PMMA filter.You hardly see any light from it if you close it to an eye. It’s a low cost choice for robots windlow,IR window.

Different optical filters depends on different IR light souce and application.We welcome all clients in the world.We will check our optical filters in stock to your requirement.If there’s no any parts close to your requests,we can custom optical performance and sizes for you.

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