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Accute Optical Technology Co.,Ltd,offer IR pass filter,bandpass filters

What is IPL

Date: 2019-10-10  Categories: Optical basic   View:1,005 views

The initials IPL stand for Intense Pulse Light. With an IPL machine a filter system is used to produce a beam of light that consists of a number or band of wavelengths (colors). Different filters can be used to produce different bands of light and these in turn can be used for different clinical applications.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a non-invasive skin treatment that emits powerful bursts of light energy to treat sun-damaged skin, wrinkles, birthmarks, age spots or brown spots,and unwanted hair growth without damaging the surface of your skin. IPL is often marketed as a lunchtime treatment.

The IPL device can generate light energy at various frequencies in order to treat these different skin problems.

Skin rejuvenation: 430-1200nm,530-1200nm,560nm-1200nm,580nm-1200nm
Hair removal: 640nm-1200nm, 690nm-1200nm,750nm-1200nm

IPL can encourage new collagen growth (that causes wrinkles to diminish in appearance), remove age spots or brown spots, and decrease skin redness.
Most IPL units have a hand-held wand so the dermatologist can deliver short energy pulses to a small area of skin.The area of your skin that’s being treated is then covered in a gel, and the wand will be pressed against your skin.

We can offer IPL filter,IPL light guide with substrate of K9,quartz,sapphire.

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