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Accute Optical Technology Co.,Ltd,offer IR pass filter,bandpass filters

Manufacture Procedure of Optical filters

Date: 2020-08-18  Categories: Optical basic   View:1,533 views

Manufacture Procedure of Optical coating filters as below:

1.Cutting optical glass(by machine)

2.Cleaning glass(by machine)

3.Vacuum optical coating(by machine)

4.Checking and measure(by machine)

5.Cutting filtes to smaller size(by machine)

6.Cleaning filters again (by machine and manpower)

7.Glueing filters together and drying(by machine)(not must for every part no)

8.Checking and measure again(by machine and manpower)

9.Cleaning filters(by manpower)

10.Packing into vacuum package(by machine and manpower)

11.Stock in(by machine)

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