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Accute Optical Technology Co.,Ltd,offer IR pass filter,bandpass filters

Use and maintenance of filters

Date: 2020-08-24  Categories: Optical basic  Tag:  View:2,028 views

As a kind of precise optical components, the coating on the surface of optical filter is easy to be scratched. Wrong cleaning methods and storage in use will also lead to the damage of the optical coating, thus reducing the optical performance and life cycle.

1. Storage.
It should be packed in clean capacitor paper or special lens cleaning paper during storage. The storage temperature should be about 23 ℃ and the humidity should not be higher than 40%. It’s better to put it in a dry storage cabinet. Do not stack filters together to avoid fretting.

2. Placement
The filter should be placed on soft and clean objects, not on glass, metal, table, or dirty paper.

3. Taking
In the process of use, you should take and put it carefully, and pay attention to the external environment, so as to avoid the filter from being scratched by zippers and buttons. When touching the filter, wear a fingertip(see picture as below) to avoid salt and acid on the hand skin from corroding the substrate surface, and try not to touch the surface directly. When taking the filter, hold the edge of the filter by hand, even if it is with a fingertip, do not touch the surface of it.

fingerstall for optical filter

If there are stains or fingerprints on the filter surface due to long-term use, please wear dust-free fingerstall and dip ethanol or similar functional solvent with the edge of towel.Then move in a single direction on the filter surface. Wipe as lightly as possible, too much pressure may damage the filter surface. The purpose of the solvent is to dissolve the viscous attachment on the filter surface. The intensity of the surface layer of the interference filter is not as good as that of the substrate. It should be foreseen that any cleaning may degrade the surface at the microcosmic level.

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