中文 | English | 深圳市艾科光学技术有限公司 Email: info@accuteoptical.com | Tel:86 755 82670272 | Fax:86 755 61675672 | 滤光片厂家 | 红外滤光片 | 窄带滤光片
Accute Optical Technology Co.,Ltd,offer IR pass filter,bandpass filters
Name: Accute Optical Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: Room,S239, 2/F, The Capital, 61-65 Chatham,Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,Hong Kong
Tel No: +852 -26681868
Fax No: +852 -26681899
Name: Shenzhen Accute Optical Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: 7th floor,1th building,No 221,Guowei Road,Luohu District,Shenzhen,China
Tel No: +86-755-8267 0272
Fax No: +86-755-6167 5672 
Email: Info@accuteoptical.com  
Website: www.accuteoptical.com
QQ: QQ978498376

If we're not online,pls call us or send email to us. During holidays,pls send email to info@accuteoptical.com or send fax to 86 0755 6167 5672, we'll give you reply at the first time when we come back to work.